Search Engine Design and Technology
We're all searching for something. For decades the digital world has been underpinned by how we solve the problem of finding what we want, fast. The industry is always in pursuit of this goal, searching for better ways to search, if you will.
Search has been integral to most of the products I've worked on and I have a broad range of experience in this area,
- Defining how we interact with search engines
- Speeding up the retrieval of information
- Aggregating different sources of information
- Increasing the relevance of the results
- Improving how results are displayed and can be interacted with
- Providing insight from searchable and filterable data
I've worked on the back and front-end technology to enable this, being the search expert embedded within teams as well as colloborating in cross-functional teams of search designers and engineers located across organisations.
Most of my work has been on search across organisations' private data respositories. But I've also written about the nebulous world of generalised web search engines. Here you can find a series of blog posts charting ascent and decline of web search, and offering a few design observations and suggestions: